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Assisting an operator to set up a water service

- Localization:Port-de-Paix, Haïti
- Contract type:
- Funder:Inter-American Development Bank
- Contract duration:2 years
- Amount of Contract:300,000 USD
The mission is aimed at modernising the operation of the UTE and the quality of the drinking water and sanitation service in the town of Port-of-Paix, by reinforcing the managerial skills of the operational technical centre (CTE), both as regards the overall strategic planning of the service, and its technical, commercial and financial management.
This mission will take place in 3 phases:
Phase 1: Analysis of the initial situation: 3 months
In order to be able to propose a precise plan for the operation and modernisation of the service, it is necessary for the Consultant to gain an in-depth understanding:
- of the request and the social context
- of the initial operating conditions of the system in terms of water quality
- of the current management of the service by the local operating company
- of the level of skills of the local personnel
- of the local problems and associated hazards
To do so, the Consultant must:
- obtain all the existing studies, statistics, surveys, plans and documents
- assess the quality of the work carried out or currently in progress
- carry out a technical, financial and organisational audit
- assist the CTE in organising additional socio-economic surveys
- make a complete diagnostic report at the end of this phase which includes in particular a description of the emergency measures to be implemented in parallel with Phase 2.
Phase 2: Drawing up action plans and setting objectives: 3 months
After analysing the initial situation in collaboration with the CTE in Port-de-Paix and working together with the DINEPA, the technical department will help set qualitative and quantitative objectives to be achieved, establish the schedule and the monitoring indicators to be put in place for each action plan covering the following fields of intervention:
Strategic planning
Organisational restructuring
Socal and commercial engineering
Technical support
Institutional support
Financial and accounting management
Support for the local development of the town
At the end of this phase, the Consultant must supply:
A comprehensive report
A mission report from each participant, listing the activities, the difficulties encountered and the recommendations.
Phase 3: Implementation and monitoring of the action plans: 18 months
Phase 3 consists in providing support for UTE's management, in the form of specific international expert missions carried out by the Consultant, who will be responsible for supporting the CTE in conducting its action plans and keeping to its objectives of improving the service provided and increasing receipts.
The CTE will provide the following documents during its progression which will be validated by the Consultant:
- A monthly summary report on:
- the activities carried out,
- action plan,
- a dashboard of indicators,
- the monitoring of the schedule,
- the difficulties encountered,
- the recommendations.
- Annual activity report: situation at the half way stage and after the global technical assistance mission.
The Consultant will present a report at the half way stage describing the improvements noted as regard the operation of the CTE and an end of mission report setting out the situation in terms of technical assistance.